© BloodandCustard

Passenger Carrying Coaches
Maunsell High-Window Sets 22 to 199

(including 1935-1936 ‘Flush-sided’ stock)


Believed to be Malachite Green-livery, BSK coach 3736 of ‘P’ set 199 at Exeter Central (c.1955) coupled to a CLC-liveried coach; presumably 6657 of this mis-matched pair. 
Note the frameless balancing droplights on this coach; this being undertaken when it was refurbished for the Bournemouth Limited in 1938.
© T.A. Barry (Mike King Collection)

Believed to be Malachite Green-livery, BSK coach 3736 of ‘P’ set 199 at Exeter Central (c.1955) coupled to a CLC-liveried coach; presumably 6657 of this mis-matched pair.

Note the frameless balancing droplights on this coach; this being undertaken when it was refurbished for the Bournemouth Limited in 1938.

© T.A. Barry (Mike King Collection)



 High-Window sets 1929-1934

179-195, 201-202, 204-209, 213-240, 387, 426, 429, 456, 464, 470?, 475-480, 939-951


‘Flush-sided’ sets 1935-1936

168, 172, 178, 196-200 ‘P’-sets, 203, 241-250, 265-273, 327-330, 400, 760, 952-962


Later reformations
(with new /reused set numbers)

22-29 ‘P’-sets, 30-31 ‘P’-sets, 77-78, 100-110 ‘W’-sets,
340-341, 444-467, 600-619



2 Cor CWNA ‘E’ sets
(Restriction ‘1’)

180 – 192, 217 – 219, 444 – 467



Set Numbering Conventions

BR(S) convention meant each set was normally arranged with the coach conveying first-class (CK) positioned adjacent to the higher-numbered BTK. On four coach sets this convention also positioned the corridor to the compartments on the same-side placing first-class towards the middle of each four-coach set.


Lancing Carriage works was releasing repainted stock in SR Malachite Green early February 1949 with Crimson Lake (and Cream) appearing at least by March 1949.

The last Crimson Lake & Cream (CLC) vehicle outshopped from Lancing carriage works appear to be loose-allocated High Window Maunsell SK S1376S on 17th July 1956 which followed set 466 (all of its eight coaches variously outshopped between 18th June 1956 and 10th July 1956) and individual coach 7964 (from Crimson Lake & Cream Set 440) along with Loose Second Open 1218.

The first BR Green-livery set outshopped by Lancing was set 974 on 11th July 1956 and the on the 18th July 1956 Bulleid SK S61S was the first repainted from Crimson Lake & Cream into Green-livery.

Abolition of Second Class

Third- class was designated second-class following the abolition of second-class by British Railways on Sunday 3rd June 1956. As these sets only carried a number ‘1’ to denote first-class this change was essentially a paper one including BTK now being designated BSK. In the table below coaches are described as Third-class unless they were inserted into a set after 3rd June 1956 when Second Class is used.




High-window Sets 22 to 99

Formation of Sets








These notes may refer to post-War Southern Railway Malachite Green as ‘Malachite’, BR Crimson Lake & Cream (March 1949 – July 1956) as ‘CLC’ and BR(S) Green (11th July 1956 - 1965) as ‘Green’.

LW – Low-Window coach.


1948-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1949-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1949-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1949-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1949-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1949-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1949-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1949-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1962-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1962-formed West of England ‘P’ set.



There is a further page dedicated to the 1958-formed West of England ‘P’ sets 100-110.


‘P’ Set 22


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Dec-64)

(w May-65)









2 Cor ‘P’ set formed 13th November 1948 from BTK 2790 (ex.265) and BCK 6577 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2790 (diag.2113)
BCK 6577 (diag.2401)

Set outshopped Lancing works in Crimson Lake & Cream livery 27th December 1950 (no prior painting dates available).

Reformed February 1951 with BCK 6577 (to ‘Loose’ and withdrawal March 1962) replaced by BCK 6691 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2790 (diag.2113)
BCK 6691 (diag.2403)

Set outshopped Lancing works in BR(S) Green livery 3rd Apil 1957.

Reformed 14th June 1960 with BCK 6691 replaced by BCK 6648 (ex. ‘Loose’). BCK 6691 being required for conversion into Pull-Push driving coach for set 615:

BSK 2790 (diag.2113)
BCK 6648 (diag.2401)

Reformed November 1960 with BCK 6648 (to WR? thence withdrawal) replaced by BCK 6669 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 2790 (diag.2113)
BCK 6669 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 2790 withdrawn December 1964 and BCK 6669 withdrawn May 1965.


8th May 1963 and a Memo to Works Manager, Carriage and Wagon Works, Eastleigh (reference RS.51/3/1/D titled Withdrawal of Coaching Stock states:

With reference to your conversation with Mr. Double last week; BSKs 2787, 3737, BCKs 6577 and 6588 have, as requested, today been placed in your works for breaking up.

Will you kindly arrange for the bodies and underframes to be cut up, recovering any useable details and also bogies, and if possible the body panels should be fired as I am given to understand that scrap material without any paint etc. on it can more easily be disposed of.

Kindly ensure that all details of the breaking up are recorded on future C.S.R.3 returns’.


Coaches used in set

BTK 2790 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ flush-panelled Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh 1935 new to ‘Loose’. To set 265 in 1945 and varnish (26th April 1946) thence (with BTK 2792 to set 23) to London Bridge for inclusion into set 22 on 13th November 1948. Outshopped Crimson Lake & Cream livery (27th December 1950) [no prior painting dates available] thence BR(S) Green livery (2nd Apil 1957). To WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn December 1964.

BCK 6577 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 1929 new to ‘Loose’. To set 22 on 13th November 1948 thence into Eastern Section Miscellaneous Non-Corridor set 669 c.February 1951. Outshopped Lancing Crimson Lake & Cream (13th December 1954). Destined to Eastern Section Miscellaneous Non-Corridor set 334 but ‘Loose’ instead (1st April 1955). BR(S) Green (3rd July 1957). To set 102 in March 1958 thence withdrawn 10th August 1959. Internal memo dated 7th November 1962 places 6577 at Micheldever on 6th November 1962. A further memo dated 8th May 1963 (reference RS.51/3/1/D) to Works Manager, Carriage and Wagon Works, Eastleigh titled ‘Withdrawal of Coaching Stock’ stated:

  With reference to your conversation with Mr. Double last week; BSKs 2787, 3737, BCKs 6577 and 6588 have, as requested, today been placed in your works for breaking up.

  Will you kindly arrange for the bodies and underframes to be cut up, recovering any useable details and also bogies, and if possible the body panels should be fired as I am given to understand that scrap material without any paint etc. on it can more easily be disposed of.

  Kindly ensure that all details of the breaking up are recorded on future C.S.R.3 returns’.

BCK 6648 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 31st March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Malachite (9th January 1945), Crimson Lake & Cream (13th September 1954), BR(S) Green (23rd April 1958) and A2-exam plus damage repair (13th February 1961). Into set 22 on 14th June 1960 thence to ‘Loose’ November 1960. Into set 25 on 17th October 1961 and WR 1st January 1963 (withdrawal date not known).

BCK 6669 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 25th April 1930 new ‘Loose’. Lancing Olive paint (7th June 1937) thence damage repairs (5th May 1941 to 17th May 1941). Outshopped Malachite (7th June 1944) and Crimson Lake & Cream (6th October 1950). To set 352 (June 1951) back to ‘Loose’ (June 1957) and BR(S) Green (4th July 1957). To set 22 November 1960, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn May 1965.

BCK 6691 (diag.2403) Rstn ‘4’ flush-panelled Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 1935 new to ‘Loose’. BR(S) Green (3rd April 1957). To set 22 November 1960, to WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn May 1965.

No ‘Loose’ record cards for BTL 2970 & BCK 6691.




‘P’ Set 23


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




by Dec-62
(2 Cor)





(w Nov-64)

(w Nov-64)









2 Cor ‘P’ set formed February 1949 from BTK 2792 (ex.265) and BCK 6575 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2792 (diag.2113)
BCK 6575 (diag.2401)

Set outshopped Lancing works in Crimson Lake & Cream (1st November 1949) with a Crimson Lake section below the cantrail on compartment sides of the coaches. [No prior painting dates currently being available].

Set outshopped Lancing works BR(S) Green livery BTK 2792 (E4-exam) in /BCK 6575 (A2-exam) 13th November 1958.

Reformed December 1959 with BCK 6575 (withdrawn) replaced by BCK 6731 (ex. ‘Loose’ BR(S) Green October 1957). BCK 6731 was a Bulleid coach, built Eastleigh 1948 with 10Ľ sidelight vents:

BSK 2792 (diag.2113)
BCK 6731 (diag.2406)

Reformed September 1960 with BCK 6731 (to ‘Loose’ thence withdrawal May 1965) replaced by BCK 6646 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 2792 (diag.2113)
BCK 6646 (diag.2401)

Lancing Works record card for set 23 states BCK 6646 was ex. set 433. However, this is not consistent with the record card for set 433.

Reformed November 1960 with BCK 6646 (to ‘Loose’ thence set 27, to WR January 1963 and withdrawal October 1965) replaced by BCK 6652 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2792 (diag.2113)
BCK 6652 (diag.2401)

Reformed by December 1962 with BCK 6652 (condemned December 1962) replaced by BCK 6655 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 2792 (diag.2113)
BCK 6655 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 2792 and BCK 6655 withdrawn November 1964.


Coaches used in set

BTK 2792 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ flush-panelled Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.December 1935 new to ‘Loose’. To set 265 in 1945 and varnish (26th April 1946) thence (with BTK 2790 to set 22) to London Bridge on 13th November 1948 for inclusion into set 23 in February 1949. Crimson Lake & Cream (1st November 1949 with a Crimson Lake section below the cantrail on compartment sides of the coaches) and  BR(S) Green (13th November 1958). Withdrawn December 1964.

BCK 6575 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh new to ‘Loose’. Crimson Lake & Cream (1st November 1949 with a Crimson Lake section below the cantrail on compartment sides of the coaches) and BR(S) Green (27th October 1958). Withdrawn from set 23 week ending 5th December 1959 and carded from Exeter to Micheldever (ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA) and purchased by the Bluebell Railway.

BCK 6646 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built ex.Eastleigh 31st March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works Olive (19th October 1936), Malachite (29th October 1945),  Crimson Lake & Cream (19th February 1954), BR(S) Green (13th January 1958). ‘Loose’ to set 433 (c.December 1959 although not listed in 1960 CWNA) thence to set 23 in September 1960. Back to ‘Loose’ November 1960  thence set 27 and WR. Withdrawn October 1965.

BCK 6652 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite Eastleigh 31st March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works damage repair (22nd March 1937), Olive (2nd May 1938), Malachite (5th March 1949) thence to BR(S) Green (14th February 1958). To set 23 in November 1960 thence condemned (in set 23) December 1962 and recorded 20th March 1963 as berthed at Exeter (for Basingstoke) ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

BCK 6655 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 11th April 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works Olive (24th March 1937), damage repair (1st July 1941) and (19th March 1943 - Enemy Action), Malachite (17th September 1946), Crimson Lake & Cream (5th February 1954). To set 168 by June 1960 and BR(S) Green (11th October 1960) thence ‘Loose’ by June 1961. Record card identifies E4-exam (12th January 1961) and after a visit to Eastleigh (22nd June 1962) it states, ‘To set 25’. However, there appears to be no further record of this taking place. Into set 23 by December 1962, to WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn November 1964.

BCK 6731 (diag.2406) Rstn ‘4’ Bulleid Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 1948 with 10Ľ sidelight vents new to ‘Loose’. Malachite (new) thence to BR(S) Green (2nd October 1957). To set 23 in December 1959 thence back to ‘Loose’ September 1960. Withdrawn May 1964 and recorded condemned at Wivelsfield 20th April 1964 (Elgh ref: - RS.51/1/63/BU).

Note - no ‘Loose’ record cards for BTK 2972, BCK 6575 & BCK 6731.




‘P’ Set 24


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)

(w Jul-64)









2 Cor set formed February 1949 from BTK 2832 (ex.266) and BCK 6602 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2832 (diag.2113)
BCK 6602 (diag.2401)

Set outshopped Lancing works in Malachite Green (BTK 2832  20th June 1947  & BCK 6602 July 1947), thence to BR(S) Green (13th November 1958). Set did not receive Crimson Lake & Cream livery.

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 2832 and BCK 6602 withdrawn July 1964.


Coaches used in set

BTK 2832 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ flush-panelled Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh December 1935 new to ‘Loose’. To set 266 in 1945, Malachite Green (20th June 1947) thence (with BTK 3780 to set 25) to London Bridge on 20th November 1948 for inclusion into set 24 in February 1949. From Malachite to BR(S) Green (13th November 1958). To WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6602 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh c.1930 new to ‘Loose’ and Malachite Green (July 1947). To set 24 in February 1949. From Malachite to BR(S) Green (13th November 1958). To WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

No ‘Loose’ record cards for BTK 2832 or BCK 6602.




‘P’ Set 25


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)

(w ?)









2 Cor set formed February 1949 from BTK 3780 (ex.266) and BCK 6665 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 3780 (diag.2110§)
BCK 6665 (diag.2401)

§ two lavatory vents.

BCK 6665 outshopped Lancing works in Crimson Lake & Cream livery 13th July 1955 (E4-exam) with BTK 3780 receiving an A2 varnish (no pre-nationalisation painting dates available).

Set appears to have carried mis-matched liveries until BSK 3780 outshopped in BR(S) Green 14th August 1957 (with BCK 6665 receiving an A2 varnish).

BSK 3780 outshopped Lancing damaged repair (E4-exam) 27th May 1959 (with BCK 6665 receiving an A2 varnish).

Reformed 16th October 1961 BCK 6665 outshopped Lancing E4-exam) 4th December 1961 with BSK 3780 receiving an A2 varnish. BCK 6665 (to ‘Loose’ thence set 26, WR January 1963 and withdrawal July 1964) replaced by BCK 6648 (ex. ‘Loose’ painted BR(S) Green February 1961):

BSK 3780 (diag.2113)
BCK 6648 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 3780 withdrawn July 1964 and BCK 6648 withdrawal date not known.


Coaches used in set

BTK 3780 (diag.2110) Rstn ‘4’ high-window (with two lavatory vents) Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.September 1933 new to ‘Loose’. To set 266 in 1945, Malachite Green (20th June 1947) thence (with BTK 2832 to set 24) to London Bridge on 20th November 1948 for inclusion into set 25 in February 1949. From Malachite to BR(S) Green livery (14th August 1957). To WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6648 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 31st March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Malachite (9th January 1945), Crimson Lake & Cream (13th September 1954), BR(S) Green (23rd April 1958) and A2-exam plus damage repair (13th February 1961). Into set 22 on 14th June 1960 thence to ‘Loose’ November 1960. Into set 25 on 17th October 1961 and WR 1st January 1963 (withdrawal date not known).

BCK 6665 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh c.1930 new to ‘Loose’. To set 25 February 1949 and Crimson Lake & Cream livery (13th July 1955) thence BR(S) Green (18th July 1957). To ‘Loose’ thence set 26 c.December 1962, WR January 1963 and withdrawal July 1964.

No ‘Loose’ record cards for BTK 3780 or BCK 6602 with no additional formation for BCK 6665.




‘P’ Set 26


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)

(w Jul-64)










2 Cor set formed February 1949 from BTK 2831 (ex.267) and BCK 6586 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2831 (diag.2113)
BCK 6586 (diag.2401)

Set outshopped Lancing works in Crimson Lake & Cream 24th May 1950 thence BR(S) Green 8th April 1957.

Reformed late 1961 with BCK 6586 withdrawn December 1961 and replaced by BCK 6593 (ex. set 270):

BTK 2831 (diag.2113)
BCK 6593 (diag.2401)

Reformed December 1961 with BCK 6593 withdrawn and replaced by BCK 6665 (ex. ‘Loose’). It is possible the set did not enter service with BCK 6593.

BSK 2831 (diag.2113)
BCK 6665 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 3780 and BCK 6665 withdrawn July 1964.


Coaches used in set

BTK 2831 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ flush-panelled Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.December 1935 new to ‘Loose’. To set 267 in 1945, varnish (9th April 1947) thence (with BTK 3775 to set 27) to Waterloo 8th February 1949 for inclusion into set 25 in February 1949. Outshopped Crimson Lake & Cream (24th May 1950) thence BR(S) Green (8th April 1957). To WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6586 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh c.1930 new to ‘Loose’. To set 26 in February 1949 and Crimson Lake & Cream (24th May 1950) thence BR(S) Green (8th April 1957). Withdrawn from set 26 in December 1961 and recorded berthed at Worthy Down 3rd July 1962 and 7th November 1962 thence sold to Birds Motors 25th April 1964 having been dispatched to South Wales in no. 5 train on 16th April 1964 (Elgh ref: - RS.51/3/1/BU).

BCK 6593 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 11th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works Olive (18th October 1937), damage repair (1st November 1941 & 9th September 1944), Malachite (24th June 1947) thence to BR(S) Green (28th April 1958). Into set 276 in June 1954 thence set 270 November 1959 and set 26 in 1961. Withdrawn from set 26 on 28th December 1962 and recorded berthed at Exeter (for Basingstoke) 19th February 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

BCK 6665 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh c.1930 new to ‘Loose’. To set 25 in February 1949 and Crimson Lake & Cream livery (13th July 1955) thence BR(S) Green (18th July 1957). To ‘Loose’ thence set 26 c.December 1962, WR January 1963 and withdrawal July 1964.

No ‘Loose’ record cards for BTK 2831 or BCK 6586 with no additional formation for BCK 6665.




‘P’ Set 27


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




by Dec-62
(2 Cor)





(w Mar-65)

(w Oct-65)









2 Cor set formed February 1949 from BTK 3775 (ex.267) and BCK 6603 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 3775 (diag.2110§)
BCK 6603 (diag.2401)
two lavatory vents.

Set outshopped Lancing works Crimson Lake & Cream (25th October 1949), BR(S) Green (25th April 1958), damage repair (5th January 1959), slight damage repair Eastleigh (20th April 1961).

Reformed by December 1962 with BCK 6603 condemned December 1962 and replaced by BCK 6646 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 3775 (diag.2113)
BCK 6646 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 3780 withdrawn March 1965 and BCK 6646 withdrawn October 1965.


Coaches used in set

BTK 3775 (diag.2110) Rstn ‘4’ high-window (two lavatory vents) Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.September 1933 new to ‘Loose’. To set 267 in 1945, varnish (9th April 1947) thence (with BTK 2831 to set 25) to Waterloo 8th February 1949 for inclusion into set 27 in February 1949. Outshopped Crimson Lake & Cream (25th October 1949), BR(S) Green (25th April 1958), damage repair (5th January 1959), slight damage repair Eastleigh (20th April 1961).

BCK 6603(diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh c.1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Crimson Lake & Cream (25th October 1949), BR(S) Green (25th April 1958), damage repair (5th January 1959), slight damage repair Eastleigh (20th April 1961). Condemned from set 27 in December 1962 and recorded at Basingstoke 15th March 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

BCK 6646 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 31st March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works Olive (19th October 1936), Malachite (29th October 1945),  Crimson Lake & Cream (19th February 1954), BR(S) Green (13th January 1958). ‘Loose’ to set 433 (c.December 1959 although not listed in 1960 CWNA) thence to set 23 in September 1960. Back to ‘Loose’ November 1960  thence set 27 and WR. Withdrawn October 1965.

No ‘Loose’ record cards for BTL 3775 & BCK 6603.




‘P’ Set 28


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)

(w Dec-62)



(2 Cor)





(w Nov-64)

(w Nov-64)









2 Cor set formed February 1949 from BTK 2787 (ex. set 400) and low-window BCK 6569 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2787 (diag.2113)
BCK 6569 (diag.2401 LW)

Set outshopped Lancing works from Malachite to BR(S) Green livery 10th January 1957.

Reformed June 1962 with BCK 6569 withdrawn December 1962 and replaced by BCK 6591 (ex. set 270):

BSK 2787 (diag.2113)
BCK 6591 (diag.2401)

Reformed by December 1962 with BTK 2787 withdrawn December 1962 and replaced by BTK 4240 (ex. set 956). Also BCK 6591 withdrawn December 1962 and replaced by BCK 6643 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 4240 (diag.2113)
BCK 6643 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 4240 and BCK 6643 withdrawn November 1964.


8th May 1963 and a Memo to Works Manager, Carriage and Wagon Works, Eastleigh (reference RS.51/3/1/D titled Withdrawal of Coaching Stock states:

With reference to your conversation with Mr. Double last week; BSKs 2787, 3737, BCKs 6577 and 6588 have, as requested, today been placed in your works for breaking up.

Will you kindly arrange for the bodies and underframes to be cut up, recovering any useable details and also bogies, and if possible the body panels should be fired as I am given to understand that scrap material without any paint etc. on it can more easily be disposed of.

Kindly ensure that all details of the breaking up are recorded on future C.S.R.3 returns’.



Coaches used in set

BTK 2787 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ flush-panelled Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.December 1935 new to 3 Cor set 400. Outshopped Malachite (8th October 1947). To Waterloo (with BTK 2788 to set 29) on 8th February 1949 for inclusion into set 28 in February 1949. Malachite to BR(S) Green (27th December 1956). Withdrawn from set 28 in December 1962 and recorded condemned at Okehampton (with BCK 6591) 14th December 1962 (Ref: - RS.51/1/61.D) thence Exeter 25th March 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D) and at Eastleigh Carriage and Wagon for breaking (body burned) 8th May 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/3/1/D).

BTK 4240 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ large corridor windows Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.30th July 1936 new to 4 Cor set 956. Outshopped Lancing works damage repairs (23rd March 1941 & 11th December 1943), Malachite (21st October 1946), Crimson Lake & Cream (28th May 1956) and BR(S) Green (3rd June 1958). To set 28 by December 1962 thence WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn November 1964.

BCK 6569 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh c.1930 new to ‘Loose’ thence to set 28 in February 1949. Outshopped Malachite to BR(S) Green (10th January 1957). Withdrawn from set 28 in December 1962 recorded at Worthy Down 3rd July 1962 and 7th November 1962 and sold to Birds Motors 25th April 1964 having been dispatched to South Wales in no. 5 train 16the April 1964.

BCK 6591 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 11th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works damage repair (17th August 1937) thence paint (14th August 1939), damage repair (6th June 1946) and Malachite (7th March 1949),  To set 276 (newly formed in Malachite Green April 1954) thence to BR(S) Green (28th April 1958). To set 270 on November 1959, set 28 by June 1962 and withdrawn December1962 and recorded condemned at Okehampton (with BSK 2787) 14th December 1962 (Ref: - RS.51/1/61.D) and 18th January 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

BCK 6643 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite new Eastleigh 31st March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works Olive 22nd January 1937, with multiple visits to Lancing, Eastleigh and Peckham Rye the Malachite date is unclear (believed either 8th July 1946 else 20th October 1948),  Crimson Lake & Cream & ‘Special Renovations WoE’ (2nd January 1954), BR(S) Green (10th April 1958). ‘Loose’ to set 29 on 11th December 1959 (Waterloo set alterations). Back to ‘Loose’ 17th April 1961 thence set 28 by December 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn November 1964.

No ‘Loose’ record card for BCK 6569.




‘P’ Set 29


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Nov-64)

(w Nov-64)









2 Cor set formed February 1949 from BTK 2788 (ex. set 400) and low-window BCK 6567 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BTK 2788 (diag.2113)
BCK 6567 (diag.2401 LW)

Outshopped Eastleigh slight damage 5th November 1954. From Malachite BTK 2788 outshopped BR(S) Green (21st July 1958 E4-exam) with Malachite BCK 6567 receiving an A2-exam.

Reformed 11th December 1959 (Waterloo set alterations) with BCK 6567 withdrawn December 1950 and replaced by BR(S) Green BCK 6643 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 2788 (diag.2113)
BCK 6643 (diag.2401)

Reformed 17th April 1961 (Waterloo set alterations) with BCK 6643 to ‘Loose’ (then set 28) and replaced by BR(S) Green BCK 6653 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 2788 (diag.2113)
BCK 6653 (diag.2401)

Reformed December 1962 with BCK 6653 condemned December 1962 and replaced by BR(S) Green BCK 6672 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 2788 (diag.2113)
BCK 6672 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 2788 and BCK 6672 withdrawn November 1964.


Coaches used in set

BTK 2788 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ flush-panelled Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.December 1935 new to 3 Cor set 400. Outshopped Malachite 8th October 1947. To Waterloo (with BTK 2787 to set 28) on 8th February 1949 for inclusion into set 29 in February 1949. From Malachite outshopped BR(S) Green (21st July 1958). To WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn November 1964.

BCK 6643 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite new Eastleigh 31st March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped Lancing works Olive 22nd January 1937, with multiple visits to Lancing, Eastleigh and Peckham Rye the Malachite date is unclear (believed either 8th July 1946 else 20th October 1948),  Crimson Lake & Cream & ‘Special Renovations WoE’ (2nd January 1954), BR(S) Green (10th April 1958). ‘Loose’ to set 29 on 11th December 1959 (Waterloo set alterations). Back to ‘Loose’ 17th April 1961 thence set 28 by December 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn November 1964.

BCK 6567 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ low-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh August 1926 new to ‘Loose’. Date of Malachite not known. To set 29 in February 1949 with five number A2-exams (varnishing) but no painting exams. Withdrawn from set 29 on 11th December 1959 and recorded at Exeter marked condemned, carded to Micheldever on 5th December 1959 (Ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA).

BCK 6653 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite new Eastleigh 31st March 1930. Outshopped Lancing works damage (16th September 1937), paint (18th April 1939), damage (26th October 1944), Crimson Lake & Cream (17th November 1949), BR(S) Green (26th June 1957). ‘Loose’ to set 29 on 17th April 1961 condemned December 1962 and records at Exeter (for Basingstoke) 19th February 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

BCK 6672 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite new Eastleigh 24th April 1930. Outshopped Lancing works Olive (26th August 1936), paint (20th December 1941), Malachite (7th June 1945), Crimson Lake & Cream (27th May 1954) and BR(S) Green (7th August 1958). ‘Loose’ to set 29 on 17th April 1961 and condemned December 1962.

No ‘Loose’ record cards for BTK 2788 & BCK 6567.




‘P’ Set 30


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




by Dec-62
(2 Cor)





(w Dec-64)

(w ?)









BR(S) Green 2 Cor set formed February 1962 from BTK 3788 (ex. set 246) and BCK 6668 (ex. set 272):

BTK 3788 (diag.2110§)
BCK 6668 (diag.2401)
two lavatory vents.

Reformed by December 1962 with BCK 6668 condemned December 1962 and replaced by BCK 6601 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 3788 (diag.2110)
BCK 6601 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 3877 withdrawn December 1964 and BCK 6601 withdrawal date not known.


Coaches used in set

BTK 3788 (diag.2110) Rstn ‘4’ high-window (two lavatory vents) Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.September 1933 new to set 246. Paint (November 1935), Malachite (20th January 1948) thence to BR(S) Green (12th May 1958). Set 246 disbanded with BTK 3788 to set 30 in February 1962. To WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn December 1964.

BCK 6601 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 20th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Paint (29th October 1936, damage repair (9th October 1941, underframe repair Eastleigh (22nd November 1946) and Crimson Lake & Cream (16th March 1951). To set 350 (November 1951) thence to set 431 by May 1957 (for 17th June 1957 CWNA) and BR(S) Green (24th January 1958). To set 442 (for 12th June 1961 CWNA) thence ‘Loose’ (18th June 1962 CWNA). Outshopped Lancing E4-exam (for ‘ACE’ 26th April 1962). To set 30 by December 1962 and WR 1st January 1963 (withdrawal date not known).

BCK 6668 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh by October 1930 new to ‘Loose’. To set 272 in 1945, Malachite 28th January 1948 thence to BR(S) Green (25th April 1958). To set 30 c.February 1962. Condemned December 1962 and recorded at Eexter (for Basingstoke) 22nd March 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).




‘P’ Set 31


Formed /Reform.




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Nov-64)

(w Nov-64)









BR(S) Green 2 Cor set formed February 1962 from BTK 2838 (ex. set 202) and BCK 6598 (ex. set 271):

BTK 2838 (diag.2113)
BCK 6598 (diag.2401)

Reformed by December 1962 with BCK 6668 condemned December 1962 and replaced by BCK 6662 (ex. ‘Loose’):

BSK 2838 (diag.2113)
BCK 6662 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BSK 2838 withdrawn November 1964 and BCK 6601 withdrawal date not known.


Coaches used in set

BTK 2838 (diag.2113) Rstn ‘4’ flush panelled Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh c.December 1935 new to set 202. Damage repair (5th August 1941), slight damage repair (6th September 1945), Malachite (3rd October 1945), slight damage repair (26th February 1946), Malachite to BR(S) Green (15th August 1958) with set disbanded c.June 1961. To set 31 in February 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn November 1964.

BCK 6598 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 20th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Paint (29th October 1937, damage repairs (6th February 1941 & 27th July 1944), Malachite 23rd September 1947. To ‘new’ set 274 June 1954 Crimson Lake & Cream (21st June 1955) and BR(S) Green (26th April 1957). To ‘Loose’ 2nd July 1959 (Waterloo set alterations). To set 271 November 1959 thence to set 31 in February 1962 and withdrawn December 1962 and recorded at Clapham Junction 18th January 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

BCK 6662 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 11th April 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Paint (19th October 1936), damage repair 19th March 1942, Malachite date unclear, underframe repairs Eastleigh (23rd March 1948) and Crimson Lake & Cream (9th February 1951). To ‘new’ set 351 February 1951 thence to set 433 November 1956 and BR(S) Green (9th May 1958). Back to ‘Loose’ November 1960 and outshopped Lancing E4-exam (for ‘ACE’ 5th December 1960). To set 31 November 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn November 1964.



Set 31 was previously carried by an ex.LSWR 2 Pull-Push set formed 26th May 1939 (BTL 3053 & CL 4774), Malachite livery 5th January 1945, reformed & CL livery 7th June 1950 (BT 3474 & CL 4744), reformed 2nd June 1961 (BT 3478 & C 4730) withdrawn and burnt at Newhaven 28th March 1961.







High-window Sets 100 to 199

Formation of Sets
[ Ϯorder of coaches not confirmed ]








These notes may refer to post-War Southern Railway Malachite Green as ‘Malachite’, BR Crimson Lake & Cream (March 1949 – July 1956) as ‘CLC’ and BR(S) Green (11th July 1956 - 1965) as ‘Green’.

LW – Low-Window coach.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1958-formed West of England ‘W’ set.


1935-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1935-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1935-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1930-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1930-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1929-formed 4 Cor set (SWD).


1929-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1929-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1929-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1931-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1931-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1931-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1931-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1931-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set (SWD).


1931-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set.


1932-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set.


c.1932-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘1’ set.


1932-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘4’ set.


1930-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘4’ set.


1930-formed 4 Cor Rstn ‘4’ set.


1935-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1935-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1935-formed West of England ‘P’ set.


1930-formed West of England ‘P’ set.



There is a further page dedicated to the 1958-formed West of England ‘W’ sets 100-110.


‘W’ Set 100


Formed /Reform.








(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)

(w Jul-64)









‘W’ set 100 formed 14th February 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1095 and BR(S) Green Corridor Brake Composite 6599:

S 1095 (diag.52)
BCK 6599 (diag.2401)

Set reformed 10th August 1959 with Second 1098 displaced and replaced by BR(S) Green Second Open 1303 (ex.Loose):

SO 1303 (diag.2007)
BCK 6599

Set reformed c.29th September 1962 (A2-exam) with Second Open 1303 (withdrawn December 1962) replaced by BR(S) Green Second Open 1426 (ex.Loose) and Corridor Brake Composite 6599 (withdrawn December 1962) replaced by BR(S) Green Corridor Brake Composite 6661 (ex.Loose):

SO 1426 (diag.2007)
BCK 6661 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.


Coaches used in set

S 1095 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1413 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Body built by SECR on Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company underframe and delivered to SECR in November 1922. Renumbered 1095 in September 1929 (Olive repaint) and to 9-set 897 by 1931 (probably much earlier) thence ‘Loose’ end-1957 /early 1958 (set 897 with Second 1095 last appeared in the 16th September 1957 CWNA with set 897 reformed 10th March 1958). In Crimson Lake livery received A2-varnish February 1958 and to set 100 on 14th February 1958, displaced 10th August 1959 and withdrawn September 1959.

SO 1303 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 12th July 1935 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repairs (30th July 1940 & 17th November 1943), Malachite (18th December 1946), Crimson Lake & Cream (18th May 1956) and BR(S) Green during A2-exam (3rd March 1958). To set 100 on 14th February 1958 and withdrawn, berthed at Exeter 15th December 1962 (Ref: - RS.51/1/61.D) and marked condemned (at Exeter) by 25th January 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D) then to Micheldever and finally Newhaven (for scrapping) 19th February 1963 [see set 104 for copy of memo].

SO 1426 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 7th May 1936 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repair (19th February 1942), Malachite (3rd June 1944), Crimson Lake & Cream (6th December 1949) and BR(S) Green during A2-exam (3rd January 1958). To set 100 c.29th September 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6599 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 20th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped paint (10th September 1937), damage repairs (2nd October 1941 & 29th May 1942), Underframe Repairs Eastleigh 2nd July 1945, Malachite 17th October 1946) thence to BR(S) Green 17th July 1956. Following A2-exam (27th January 1958) to set 100 on 14th February 1958, withdrawn December 1962 at Exeter and marked condemned (at Exeter) by 19th January 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

BCK 6661 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh new to ‘Loose’. To set 212 on 1st June 1953, Crimson Lake & Cream (10th November 1955) and ‘Loose’ February 1959. To set 100 c.29th September 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.





‘W’ Set 101


Formed /Reform.




(2 set)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)

(w Jul-64)









‘W’ set 101 formed March 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1089 and BR(S) Green Corridor Brake Composite 6572:

S 1089 (diag.52)
BCK 6572 (diag.2401)

Waterloo set alterations 10th August 1959 with coaches displaced and replaced by SO 1300 and BCK 6906 (both ‘Loose’ BR(S) Green livery).

SO 1300 (diag.2007)
BCK 6906 (diag.2401)

SO 1300 outshopped E4-exam /6906 A2-exam 4th December 1959.

c.8th July 1962 and SO 1300 replaced with ‘Loose’ BR(S) Green SO no.1427.

SO 1427 (diag.2007)
BCK 6906 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.


Coaches used in set

S 1089 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1407 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Body built by SECR on Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company underframe and delivered to SECR in November 1922. Renumbered 1089 in September 1929 (Olive repaint) and to 9-set 897 by 1931 (probably much earlier) thence ‘Loose’ end-1957 /early 1958 (set 897 with Second 1089 last appeared in the 16th September 1957 CWNA with set 897 reformed 10th March 1958). In Crimson Lake livery received A2-varnish February 1958 and to set 101 in March 1958, withdrawn 10th October 1959 and transferred to service vehicle operation (Lancing Workmen’s train – berthed at Holland Road undertaking a weekday return trip Brighton to Lancing) as DS 70066 (Ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA) before withdrawal July 1964 (with the closure of Lancing Works).

SO 1300 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 12th July 1935 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repairs (16th November 1939), E-exam (21st February 1942), Malachite (15th May 1948) thence to BR(S) Green during E4-exam (10th October 1957). To set 101 on 15th October 1959 and replaced c.8th June 1962. Withdrawn December 1962 and berthed at Exeter (for Basingstoke) 19th February 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63.D).

SO 1426 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 7th May 1936 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repair (19th February 1942), Malachite (3rd June 1944), Crimson Lake & Cream (6th December 1949) and BR(S) Green during E4-exam (3rd January 1958). To set 101 c.8th June 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6572 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh August 1929 new to ‘Loose’. Malachite December 1948) thence to BR(S) Green A2-exam July 1957. To set 101 in March 1958, displaced under Waterloo set alterations 10th August 1959 withdrawn by 9th October 1959 (at Micheldever marked condemned Ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA) and moved to Bournemouth West 31st December 1962 (Ref: - RS.51/1/63/D).

BCK 6906 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh May 1930 as BCK 6660 (diag.2401). Outshopped Malachite 31st October 1947 and renumbered as BCK 6906 (converted to diag.2404 for boat train traffic) reverting to diag.2401 in 1949 without further number change. To ‘new’ set 334 on 1st May 1955, Crimson Lake & Cream (30th April 1956) and ‘Loose’ c.29th January 1958. BR(S) Green 19th February 1958. To set 101 on 10th August 1959 , WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.



Set number 101 reused from previous LSWR 3-set disbanded 6th October 1956 (final livery not known). Formed BTL 3010 (diag.125 built March 1911), CL 4740  (diag.263 built June 1899), & BTL 3011 (diag.125 built March 1911),





‘W’ Set 102


Formed /Reform.








(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)















‘W’ set 102 formed March 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1105 and BR(S) Green Corridor Brake Composite 6577:

S 1105 (diag.52)
BCK 6577 (diag.2401)

Waterloo set alterations 10th August 1959 with S 1105 displaced and replaced by SO 1306 (ex.‘Loose’ BR(S) Green livery).

SO 1306 (diag.2007)
BCK 6577 (diag.2401)

March 1960 with BCK 6577 withdrawn 10th August 1959 displaced and replaced by BCK 6600 (both ‘Loose’ BR(S) Green livery).

SO 1306 (diag.2007)
BCK 6600 (diag.2401)

30th August 1962 and BCK 6600 condemned and replaced with ‘Loose’ BR(S) Green Bulleid BCK no.6719.

SO 1306 (diag.2007)
BCK 6719 (diag.2405)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with SO 1306 withdrawn July 1964 and BCK 6719 withdrawn January 1966.


Coaches used in set

S 1105 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1423 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Body built by Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company on Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. underframe and delivered to SECR in August 1921. Renumbered 1105 in September 1929 (Olive repaint) and to 9-set 897 by 1931 (probably much earlier) thence ‘Loose’ end-1957 /early 1958 (set 897 with Second 1095 last appeared in the 16th September 1957 CWNA with set 897 reformed 10th March 1958). In Crimson Lake livery received A2-varnish January 1958 and to set 102 on March 1958, displaced 10th August 1959 and stored at Micheldever (not marked withdrawn) 5th September 1959 (Elgh: - RS/51/1/51A/BA) and at Micheldever (to be marked for withdrawal) 12th September 1959 (Elgh Ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA). Transferred to service vehicle operation (Lancing Workmen’s train – berthed at Holland Road undertaking a weekday return trip Brighton to Lancing) as DS 70056 in February 1960 before withdrawal July 1964 (with the closure of Lancing Works).

SO 1306 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 19th July 1935 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repair (11th March 1942), Malachite (19th June 1946), Crimson Lake & Cream (11th July 1955) and BR(S) Green during A2-exam (8th July 1957). To set 100 on 10th August 1959, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6577 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 1929 new to ‘Loose’. To set 22 on 13th November 1948 thence into Eastern Section Miscellaneous Non-Corridor set 669 c.February 1951. Outshopped Lancing Crimson Lake & Cream (13th December 1954). Destined to Eastern Section Miscellaneous Non-Corridor set 334 but ‘Loose’ instead (1st April 1955). BR(S) Green (3rd July 1957). To set 102 in March 1958 thence withdrawn 10th August 1959. Internal memo dated 7th November 1962 places 6577 at Micheldever on 6th November 1962. A further memo dated 8th May 1963 (reference RS.51/3/1/D) to Works Manager, Carriage and Wagon Works, Eastleigh titled ‘Withdrawal of Coaching Stock’ stated:

  With reference to your conversation with Mr. Double last week; BSKs 2787, 3737, BCKs 6577 and 6588 have, as requested, today been placed in your works for breaking up.

  Will you kindly arrange for the bodies and underframes to be cut up, recovering any useable details and also bogies, and if possible the body panels should be fired as I am given to understand that scrap material without any paint etc. on it can more easily be disposed of.

  Kindly ensure that all details of the breaking up are recorded on future C.S.R.3 returns’.

BCK 6600 (diag.2401) Rstn ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 20th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repair 25th March 1937, paint 21st April 1938, damage repairs (24th March 1942 & 14th August 1943), Malachite 15th October 1946. To set 275 (date) Crimson Lake & Cream (July 1955). To set 275 June 1954 thence ‘Loose’ and BR(S) Green (15th May 1957). Outshopped A2-exam 18th September 1959 and to set 269. To set 102 in March 1962 and condemned 30th August 1962. Recorded as berthed withdrawn at Micheldever with internal memo dated 29th October 1962 stating BCK 6600 to be included on the next train to Newhaven after the one of the 30th October 1962. Still at Micheldever on 6th November 1962, a further memo dated 3rd November 1962 to SM Micheldever titled ‘Withdrawn stock at Micheldever’ had stated:

  ‘Thanks for your list of vehicles received this morning. With reference to move of 2nd inst. re next train to Newhaven.

  I have been requested not to break-up Set 385 Push & Pull as the Bluebell Railway are interested in purchasing it. Will you please therefore substitute BCK 6600 and BSK 3790 on the train to Newhaven for the 13th inst. Both these are in order as far as the C&W side goes.

  I very much regret any inconvenience this may cause you but trust you will be able to overcome the same’.


BCK 6719 (diag.2405) rstn. ‘4’ Bulleid Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh 30th June 1948 new to ‘Loose’ in Malachite. Outshopped BR(S) Green 27th March 1958. To set 102 on 30th August 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn January 1966.



Set number 102 reused from previous LSWR 3-set disbanded November 1952. Formed BTL 3012 (diag.125 built March 1911), CL 4739  (diag.263 built June 1899), & BTL 3013 (diag.125 built March 1911).





‘W’ Set 103


Formed /Reform.








(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)










‘W’ set 103 formed March 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1080 and BR(S) Green Corridor Brake Composite 6585:

S 1080 (diag.52)
BCK 6585 (diag.2401)

Coaches displaced 2nd July 1959 and set reformed (Waterloo set alterations) with SO 1304 and BCK 6905 (both BR(S) Green).

SO 1304 (diag.2007)
BCK 6905 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 with BCK 6905 withdrawn May 1964 and SO 1306 withdrawn July 1964.


Coaches used in set

S 1080 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1398 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Body built by Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company on Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. underframe and delivered to SECR in August 1921. Renumbered 1080 in September 1929 (Olive repaint) and to 9-set 897 by 1931 (probably much earlier) thence ‘Loose’ end-1957 /early 1958 (set 897 with Second 1095 last appeared in the 16th September 1957 CWNA with set 897 reformed 10th March 1958). In Crimson Lake livery to set 103 in March 1958, displaced 2nd July 1959 and withdrawn week ending 18th July 1959. Recorded as being berthed condemned (with BCK 6585) Horsted Keynes 22nd July 1959 (Elgh Ref: - RS/51/1/61A/BO).

SO 1304 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 12th July 1935 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repairs (21st January 1941), Malachite (13th August 1947), Crimson Lake & Cream (5th February 1955) and BR(S) Green during A2-exam (21st January 1958). To set 103 in March 1958, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn.

BCK 6585 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Painting dates unknown. BR(S) Green and to set 103 in March 1958, displaced 2nd July 1959 and withdrawn week ending 18th July 1959. Recorded as being berthed condemned (with S 1080) Horsted Keynes 22nd July 1959 (Elgh Ref: - RS/51/1/61A/BO).

An internal memo dated 9th July 1959 Ref:- NH/DIS/59/ET (Elgh Ref:- RS/51/1/61A/BO) titled ‘Kent Coast Electrification, Steam Stock Withdrawn W/E 18-7-59’ stated: ‘The undermentioned stock requires to be marked with St Andrews Cross indicating not for traffic.

Gatwick/Horley (Gatwick station is nearest).

Horsted Keynes BCK 6585 Wdn 25-7’.

Memo dated 10th September 1959 (Ref: Elgh RS/51/1/51/BA) to: -

FJ Pepper Esq. RSO, Eastleigh from Waterloo Inspector Ernie Tozer titled ‘Kent Coast Electrification, Steam Stock for Withdrawal. Stock berthed at Horsted Keynes 8-9-59’ stated: 

  ‘It has been reported by the Station Master to the Railway Police that the tool boxes in the berthed stock have been broken open and contents stolen. I have inspected a large number of these berthed vehicles and report my findings as follows: - Commencing Ardingly end:- (Note Box means combined Tool & Ambulance Cabinet).

BCK 6585 Nothing missing In van and in order Tool Box, Ladder 1, CO2 2 Buckets’.

BCK 6905 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Composite built Eastleigh May 1930 as ‘Loose’ BCK 6656 (diag.2401). Outshopped Malachite 29th October 1947 and renumbered as BCK 6905 (converted to diag.2404 for boat train traffic) reverting to diag.2401 in 1949 without further number change. To ‘new’ set 334 on 1st May 1955, Crimson Lake & Cream (24th June 1955) and BR(S) Green (25th November 1957). To set 103, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn May 1964.



Set number 103 reused from previous LSWR 3-set disbanded May 1944. Formed BTL 3014 (diag.125 built March 1911), CL ?  (diag.263 built ?), & BTL 3015 (diag.125 built March 1911).





‘W’ Set 104


Formed /Reform.








(2 Cor)




by Jun-62











‘W’ set 104 formed March 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1063 and BR(S) Green Corridor Brake Composite 6589:

S 1063 (diag.52)
BCK 6589 (diag.2401)

Second displaced 10th August 1959 and set reformed (Waterloo set alterations) with SO 1304 (BR(S) Green).

SO 1314 (diag.2005)
BCK 6589 (diag.2401)

Set outshopped BR(S) Green during A2-exam 5th March 1959 and BCK 6589 slight damage repair during A2-exam 16th October 1961. Set withdrawn by June 1962.


Coaches used in set

S 1063 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1381 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Body built by Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company on Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. underframe and delivered to SECR in August 1921. Renumbered 1063 in September 1927, paint January 1931 and to set 902 in 1939  thence ‘Loose’ on 14th January 1949. To SED (Blackheath) 9-coach rstn. ‘0’ non-corridor set 335 c.1951 and to ‘Loose’ 28th November 1956. Crimson Lake (January 1953), A2-varnish (January 1958) and to set 104 on March 1958, displaced 10th August 1959 and berthed at Micheldever to be marked condemned 7th November 1959 (Ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA). Transferred to service vehicle operation (Lancing Workmen’s train – berthed at Holland Road undertaking a weekday return trip Brighton to Lancing) as DS 70065 in February 1960 before withdrawal March 1965 (with the closure of Lancing Works).

SO 1314 (diag.2005) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 10th March 1933 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repairs (27th March 1938), paint (22nd December 1939, Malachite (15th September 1947), Crimson Lake & Cream (6th June 1956) and BR(S) Green during A2-exam (15th November 1957). To set 100 on 10th August 1959 and withdrawn November 1962. Recorded as withdrawn (awaiting condemned making with BCK 6589) at Seaton Junction 23rd November 1962 (Ref: - RS.51/1/61.D). To Newhaven for scrapping /burning (with BCK 6589) 19th February 1963.

BCK 6589 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh 11th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped paint (13th October 1937), damage repairs (4th July 1941 & 9th January 1945), Underframe Repairs Eastleigh (31st October 1945), Malachite (3rd June 1948), Crimson Lake & Cream (23rd April 1956). To set 104 March 1958 and outshopped to BR(S) Green 5th March 1959. Outshopped slight damage repair during 104 set A2-exam (16th October 1961). Recorded as withdrawn (awaiting condemned making with SO 1314) at Seaton Junction 23rd November 1962 (Ref: - RS.51/1/61.D). To Newhaven for scrapping /burning (with SO 1314) 19th February 1963.


Set disposal

An internal memo dated 23rd November 1962 (Ref:- RS.51/1/61.D) titled ‘Steam stock withdrawn W/E 24-11-62’ stated:

The undermentioned vehicles have been withdrawn. Please arrange to have them marked with the usual symbol:

Seaton Junction SO 1314 BCK 6589 ex Set 104’

On 12th February 1963 a memo to the Station Master, Micheldever titled ‘Withdrawal of steam stock’ stated:

‘I have arranged for you 3 hours shunting on Wednesday 13th February 1963 and trust you will be able to manage the same. Since my inst. on Friday last however, I have been informed that Newhaven cannot accept the train until Tuesday 19th February 1963, so have been forced to divert the departure accordingly. Confirming our conversation of Friday last, the following will form the Newhaven train:

BCK 6590

SO 1370

SO 1303

SO 1314

SO 1287

SO 1286

SO 1297

SO 1414

SO 1422

BCK 6589’



Set number 104 reused from previous LSWR 3-set, outshopped Malachite 21st May 1947 and withdrawn Lancing 7th September 1957. Formed BTL 3016 (diag.125 built March 1911), CL 4654 (diag.263 built May 1902), CL 4742  (diag.263 built June 1899), & BTL 3017 (diag.125 built March 1911).






‘W’ Set 105


Formed /Reform.












(2 Cor)




(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)

(w Jul-64)









‘W’ set 105 formed March 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1112 and Corridor Brake Composite 6576:

S 1112 (diag.52)
BCK 6576 (diag.2401)

BCK withdrawn 4th April 1959 and set reformed (Waterloo set alterations) with BCK 1304 (BR(S) Green).

S 1112 (diag.52)
BCK 6649 (diag.2401)

Second displaced 1st September 1959 Waterloo set alterations and set reformed with BR(S) Green SO 1327:

SO 1327 (diag.2005)
BCK 6649 (diag.2401)

SO displaced and set reformed with BR(S) Green SO 1327 following its A2-exam 11th July 1961 (and after the 11th September 1961 CWNA went to print) with the change appearing in the 18th June 1962 CWNA:

SO 1411 (diag.2007)
BCK 6649 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.


Coaches used in set

S 1112 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1430 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Body built by SECR on Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company underframe and delivered to SECR in April 1923. Renumbered 1112 in September 1928 (Olive repaint) and to SED set 917 by 1941, set 901 (at London Bridge) on 11th November 1953 thence ‘Loose’ on 28th November 1956. Outshopped Crimson Lake (May 1953) and to set 105 in March 1958. Outshopped A2-varnish (31st May 1959), displaced 10th September 1959 and stored at Micheldever to be marked as condemned 24th October 1959 (ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA). Transferred to service vehicle operation (Lancing Workmen’s train – berthed at Holland Road undertaking a weekday return trip Brighton to Lancing) as DS 70067 in February 1960 and withdrawn January 1964.

SO 1327 (diag.2005) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 25th March 1933 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repairs (14th July 1938), Malachite (9th February 1940), Crimson Lake & Cream (16th June 1950) and BR(S) Green (28th January 1959). To set 105 on 10th September 1959, removed from set c.September 1961 and withdrawn February 1962.

SO 1411 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 8th April 1936 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repairs (16th January 1941, 18th October 1943 & 2nd March 1944), Malachite (not known), Crimson Lake & Cream (14th December 1949) and BR(S) Green during E4-exam (12th August 1957). To set 105 c.September 1961, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6576 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh 1929 new to ‘Loose’. No livery details. To set 105 in March 1958, withdrawn 4th April 1959 into departmental service.

BCK 6649 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh 11th April 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repair (2nd September 1937), paint (27th June 1939), Crimson Lake & Cream (22nd September 1949) and BR(S) Green (1st May 1959). To set 105 on 4th October 1959, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.



Set number 105 reused from previous LSWR 3-set, outshopped Malachite 11th May 1943 and withdrawn Lancing 19th October 1957 (final livery not known). Formed BTL 3018 (diag.125 built April 1911), CL 4643 (diag.263 built May 1899) & BTL 3019 (diag.125 built April 1911).





‘W’ Set 106


Formed /Reform.












(2 Cor)














‘W’ set 106 formed March 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1107 and low-window Corridor Brake Composite 6573:

S 1107 (diag.52)
BCK 6573 (diag.2401)

Second withdrawn 15th October 1958 and set reformed with Crimson Lake Second 1102:

S 1102 (diag.52)
BCK 6573 (diag.2401)

Second withdrawn 31st October 1959 and set reformed with BR(S) Green SO 1370:

SO 1370 (diag.2005)
BCK 6573 (diag.2401)

Set out-of-use by 18th June 1962 CWNA and withdrawn at Exeter 15th December 1962. In store awaiting disposal at Exeter on 18th January 1963.


Coaches used in set

S 1107 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1425 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Built by Ashford Works in December 1922. Renumbered 1107 in November 1929 (Olive repaint) and to set 899 (date? – pre-WW2). Paint April 1937, West London Line 3-set 98 c.1942, set 918 by 17th May 1947 (with Third 1087 - later used in set 109),  thence ‘Loose’ by August 1956. In Crimson Lake livery to set 106 in March 1958, outshopped overhaul Eastleigh 16th May 1958. Withdrawn 7th November 1958.

S 1102 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1420 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Built by Ashford Works in December 1922. Renumbered 1102 in August 1929 (Olive repaint) and to set 920 in 1941, thence ‘Loose’ by 1957. In Crimson Lake livery to set 106 on 15th October 1958, withdrawn week ending 24th October 1959 and berthed at Micheldever to be marked condemned (Ref: - RS/51/1/51A/BA). Transferred to service vehicle operation (Lancing Workmen’s train – berthed at Holland Road undertaking a weekday return trip Brighton to Lancing) as DS 70069 in February 1960 and withdrawn July 1963.

SO 1370 (diag.2005) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 5th December 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repair (18th June 1930), paint (19th September 1938), damage repair (11th August 1943), Malachite (21st January 1948) thence BR(S) Green during A2-exam (11th January 1957). To set 106 by 2nd November 1959 CWNA, set out-of-use by 18th June 1962 CWNA and withdrawn at Exeter 15th December 1962. Recorded as berthed awaiting disposal at Exeter (with BCK 6573) on 18th January 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/61.D) thence from Micheldever to Newhaven (for scrapping) on 19th February 1963 [see disposal memo for set 104].

BCK 6573 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ low-window Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh August 1926 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped paint (17th May 1928, 28th February 1929, 27th March 1931 & 28th April 1937), damage repairs (7th January 1942 & 7th January 1947 with outshopping in Malachite), Crimson Lake & Cream (9th April 1951?) & BR(S) Green (3rd July 1957). To set 106 in March 1958, set out-of-use by 18th June 1962 CWNA and withdrawn at Exeter 15th December 196215th December 1962. Recorded as berthed awaiting disposal at Exeter (with BCK 6573) on 18th January 1963 (Ref: - RS.51/1/61.D).


Set number 106 reused from previous LSWR 3-set, outshopped Malachite 5th March 1945 and withdrawn Lancing 21st August 1954 in that livery. Formed BTL 3020 (diag.125 built April 1911), CL 4664 (diag.263 built June 1899) & BTL 3021 (diag.125 built April 1911).





‘W’ Set 107


Formed /Reform.








(2 Cor)


(ex.262 via L)


(2 Cor)




by Dec-62
(2 Cor)





(w Jul-64)

(w Jul-64)









‘W’ set 107 formed March 1958 with Crimson Lake liveried Second 1067 and Corridor Brake Composite 6583:

S 1067 (diag.52)
BCK 6583 (diag.2401)

Both vehicle displaced 10th August 1959 and set reformed 26th October 1959 with Second Open 1399 and Corridor Brake Composite 6592 (both BR(S) Green):

SO 1399 (diag.2005)
BCK 6592 (diag.2401)

SO displaced 23rd March 1962 and set reformed with SO 1370:

SO 1410 (diag.2007)
BCK 6592 (diag.2401)

SO displaced by December 1962 and set reformed with SO 1431:

SO 1431 (diag.2007)
BCK 6592 (diag.2401)

Set transferred to WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.


Coaches used in set

S 1067 (diag.52) rstn. ‘0’ 10-compartment Third 1385 (SECR number) in unlined dark brown livery with gold lettering. Body built by Birmingham Carriage & Wagon Company on Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. underframe and delivered to SECR in August 1921. Renumbered 1067 in December 1927 (Olive repaint) and to 906 by 4th May 1932, paint (December 1936), Malachite (11th December 1944) Crimson Lake livery (October 1955) thence ‘Loose’ by 9th July 1956. To set 107 on March 1958, displaced 10th August 1959 (Waterloo set alterations) and withdrawn. Transferred to service vehicle operation (Lancing Workmen’s train – berthed at Holland Road undertaking a weekday return trip Brighton to Lancing) as DS 70052 in September 1959 and withdrawn February 1964.

SO 1399 (diag.2005) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Malachite (date?) thence to BR(S) Green 8th September 1956. To set 107 by 26th October 1959, withdrawn 23rd March 1962 and recorded as being berthed at Worthy Down on 3rd July 1962 pending disposal.

SO 1410 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh April 1936 new to ‘Loose’. To set 241 in 1938, outshopped Malachite (1st August 1945) thence to ‘Loose’ 11th February 1949. Crimson Lake & Cream (31st December 1953) and BR(S) Green during A2-exam (17th January 1958). To set 107 c.23rd March 1962 and withdrawn December 1962.

SO 1431 (diag.2007) rstn. ‘4’ Third Open built Eastleigh 14th May 1936 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped damage repair (11th July 1944), Malachite (17th June 1947), Crimson Lake & Cream (2nd October 1953) and BR(S) Green during A2-exam (22nd May 1958). To set 107 by December 1962, WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.

BCK 6583 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Liveries and dates not known although believed not to have received BR(S) Green (could have been in Malachite or Crimson Lake & Cream). To set 107 in March 1958, displaced 10th August 1959 and withdrawn September 1959.

BCK 6592 (diag.2401) rstn. ‘4’ high-window Corridor Brake Third built Eastleigh 11th March 1930 new to ‘Loose’. Outshopped paint (20th October 1937), damage repair (30th August 1941), Lifted Eastleigh (3rd June 1944), Malachite 18th August 1944), Crimson Lake & Cream (26th July 1951), BR(S) Green (6th November 1956). To set 107 by 26th October 1959 WR 1st January 1963 and withdrawn July 1964.